My name is Wesley Fryer and I follow Jesus Christ. This is my Christian blog where I share thoughts, prayers, resources, and links. Stay updated with posts here by following @pocketshare on Twitter. Check out my “Theology” page for more about my beliefs and religious background.

I’ve created this as a separate space from my primary blog (which focuses on educational technology, blended learning and media-based “show what you know” digital portfolios) NOT because I am ashamed in any way of my faith or want to hide it… but because over time, I’ve wanted a space where I can freely shared Christian-specific things where I wouldn’t feel constrained by the question, “I wonder if the followers of this blog will be turned-off by this content.” Back in 2006, I posted my Christian testimony on my main blog, and I still periodically post about things related to Christianity and my faith there under the category “Christian.”
The name of this blog was originally “Eyes Right” because as Christians, we are called to keep our eyes “on the light,” which means keeping our eyes on Jesus. This name also has a military reference, as anyone who has marched in a military parade (as I did frequently in college at USAFA) will understand. During the “pass and review” of the parade, the unit commander gives the order, “Eyes Right,” which means everyone turns their head in a show of respect to the General or other commanding officer presiding over the parade. In our lives, our ultimate “commander in chief” is God and his son, Jesus Christ.
As my “Digital Witness for Jesus Christ” project developed into the “Pocket Share Jesus” project, I realized I should probably rename both my Christian blog and Twitter channel to reflect this. So, in late 2017 I changed my Twitter handle and in early 2018 got the blog changed when I moved to a new web host.
The author of the book of Hebrews in the Bible wrote in the 12th chapter, in the second verse:
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
This blog was created in 2006 to provide an opportunity and forum for Christians seeking to live out this charge to share perceptions, experiences, and stories from their respective journeys of faith. It was also created as a forum for dialog, for those seeking answers to some of life’s difficult questions– and those also seeking renewal and growth in their own walks of faith. Both Miguel Guhlin and Dean Shareski contributed to the posts and podcasts in the formative years of this website. (Use the previous links to view their posts.) Eventually this blog became a space for just me (Wesley Fryer) to share verses, ideas and reflections relating to my Christian walk.
A wide host of blogs are being written today with Christian themes. Just as we see a large number of Christian denominations, we also see a wide variety of beliefs and perspectives reflected in the Christian blogosphere. Views, opinions and experiences of contributors to “Eyes Right” vary, but the following are core beliefs which all share:
- Belief in Jesus as the Son of God, and the unique pathway to eternal life.
- Belief in the Bible as God’s Word given to humankind.
- Belief in the call for believers to share the Word and live out (to the best of our abilities) the directives of God’s Word, keeping our eyes focused on Jesus each day.
This is a virtual space for both seekers and believers. We all have a craving for spiritual knowledge, this is hard-coded into our DNA. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened unto you. Thanks for visiting. Please participate in the dialog, and come back often!
May God bless you and your family.

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