Proverbs on School Tuition
“It is senseless to pay tuition to educate a fool, since he has no heart for learning.”
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Grandparents’ Crowning Glory
“Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged; parents are the pride of their children.”
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Apple, iTunes and the Pro-Homosexual Agenda
I noticed this evening Apple has created a leading category under “Music” in the iTunes Store named “Pride.” This category includes music and movies by homosexual artists and/or about homosexual issues/themes.
Apple now wields considerable cultural influence as a corporation, especially through the artists and creative works it features in its iTunes Store.
One part of the postmodern philosophical, moral and theological agenda is to “normalize” homosexual behavior and homosexual lifestyles. Of course, homosexuals have been a part of human society since the dawn of time. Historically in Judeo/Christian cultures, however, homosexual behavior has been regarded as a sin. Some postmoderns seek to change public perceptions about homosexuality, regarding it as normal/acceptable rather than aberrant or “a sin.” Apparently Apple Inc. is on that postmodern bandwagon. This is a screenshot of the “LGBT Movie Collection” in iTunes, linked from the aforementioned “Pride” category.
Clearly Apple is in the business of making money first, as a corporation, and that could explain the existence of this category in iTunes. By creating this category, people interested in media within that category are going to likely purchase more of it as a result. The fact that Apple has put the category at the top of all other media categories under “music,” however, indicates prioritization which Apple employees managing the store are placing upon these particular media titles and the messages they include.
Seeing these media collections in iTunes this evening prompted a conversation about these issues with my ten year old. If your kids access and use iTunes, it’s good to be aware of this content and the way it’s featured in the store. Depending on the age of your kids, you might want to have some conversations about this too.
I won’t go into detail here about what Sarah and I discussed, but I will say we talked about how we are never called as humans to hate others. God exhorts us through his Word to hate sin, but not to hate people. Unfortunately we continue to see numerous examples in our communities of hateful discrimination and bigotry, based on a variety of different things. We live in a diverse society, and it is vital we learn to respect others who have different beliefs, worldviews and lifestyles from our own. It can be challenging to separate sin from people who sin, but we believe that is what we’re called to do by God. All behavior is not moral, but all people are deserving of love and respect. These are challenging but important ideas to discuss, especially with a ten year old about to go to middle school.
My post a month ago, which I also cross-posted on my main blog (“Putting the Passage of Amendment 10-A for Christians Worldwide in Statistical Perspective“) received many more comments than my “normal” posts. I carefully considered whether to even share these images and ideas on Eyes Right, but decided to since this is such an important topic to discuss and many people may not realize the role Apple Inc. is playing in our present “culture wars” via iTunes. Apple’s desire, through it’s cultural influence, to “normalize” homosexuality is clear.
It’s interesting to look at the featured images and albums in iTunes this evening in the “Christian & Gospel” category. Is “Black Music Month” necessarily connected to “Christian & Gospel” music? I’m not sure this makes sense.
The culture wars continue. Apple is not value-neutral in the media as well as artists they feature in iTunes. If you didn’t know, now you do.
Technorati Tags:
apple, itunes, lgbt, homosexual
The value of kind words
“Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.”
See it at
Discretion with Words
“Discretion is a life-giving fountain to those who possess it, but discipline is wasted on fools.”
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Feast of the Ascension
Eschatology and Life After Death
– very sweet near death experience story
– lots of material there that you can’t really explain, but the ways he described heaven is very Protestant and Wesleyan 2 Corinth 12:2-6 Paul talks about an experience of a person seeing heaven
– when it comes to situations like this, our language fails I think we live in more than four dimensions – we have been so arrogant since the 600s, saying if we can’t measure it it doesn’t exist
– that’s not true
– physicists today tell us we have over 10 dimensions
– it seems very likely we have encounters that are multi-dimensional C.S. Lewis book “The Great Divorce” is more about images and perceptions of what is to come
– presents a modified version of Purgatory, they can work it off, kind of like summer school… Book “Surprised by Hope” about death, resurrection and heaven… Read the Bible according to it’s genre
– read an apocalyptic book in its own style, it is a vision, we need to separate what is vivid image and what is descriptive, what is best understood metaphorically and what is best understood literally
– poetry and history are read differently The idea of an immortal soul is Greek, not Hebrew
– where were we before birth? In the mind of God
– God gives us life Pre-millennialist dispensationalists have the rapture, the rest of us just have to show up for the judgement When we put our faith in Jesus, when we come to the judgement we need not fear Sent from my iPad
Don’t be misled
“Don’t let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.”
See it at
Missionaries in Nicaragua
A week ago when I was in Lubbock, Texas, I learned about the Rogers family from Westminster Presbyterian Church. They are serving as a missionary family in Nicaragua, and maintain the website to document their work there. The following are some photos on a bulletin board at WPC about their family and mission work.
One of the church elders told me that Keith Rogers is an entrepreneur who has successfully started several businesses, but felt called to go to Nicaragua as a missionary with his family. The amount of faith it took for the Rogers family to go “out on a limb” like this and serve God in another country is just incredible. I encourage you to check out their website as well as Teethsavers International, Inc., which is the dental mission the Rogers are working to support in Nicaragua.
Technorati Tags:
mission, outreach, presbyterian, texas, nicaragua, lubbock, wpc, westminster, dental, teethsavers