Praying Boldly and Persistently

According to the current entry in the English Wiktionary, a “podfader” is:

A podcaster who gradually or suddenly stops podcasting.

Last fall I helped create several podcasts for our elementary Wednesday night program at our church in Edmond, Oklahoma, and started the BLASTcast blog and podcast channel. Since our last published podcast (until today) was on Christmas Eve, I’m sure some people might have relegated us to the category of “podfaders.” Fear not! Today we’ve published a new (albeit short – just 4 minute) podcast titled “BLASTCAST: Pray Boldly and Persistently” focusing on Luke 11: 9-10:

So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

GDOP - Global Day of Prayer - Upper Hutt City - 131

This theme is important for all of us. Amidst the noise of information and inputs from multiple directions in our lives, we need to continue praying each day with boldness. The English Wiktionary includes the synonyms “brave, courageous, and daring” in its entry for “bold.”

It defines brave as:

Strong in the face of fear.

It defines courageous as:

Of a person, displaying or possessing courage.

And courage as:

the quality of a confident character not to be afraid or intimidated easily but without being incautious or inconsiderate.

as well as:

the ability to do things which one finds frightening.

It defines daring as:

Willing to take on or look for risks.

Persistent is:

Obstinately refusing to give up or let go, insistently repetitive, and indefinitely continuous.

I need this encouragement and reminder of how and why we are to pray: With boldness and persistence. As the father of three I can easily relate to Jesus’ closing words in this passage:

Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?

Just as we, as parents, want to give our children the desires of their hearts, so also does our heavenly Father listen to us and desire to give us those things which we want and are good for us.

The kids had fun creating this short podcast this morning in Sunday School. It’s amazing what a simple yet powerful learning recipe ACTIVE, CREATIVE learning lessons can be. 🙂

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Lesson plan on my iPhone

Our fifth grade Sunday school class has been using the Grapple curriculum from Group Publishing this year. I have been pretty pleased with the curriculum topics and activities. Generally when I have taught a lesson (we have several co-teachers so we rotate the lesson leadership periodically) I’ve brought in a projector and speakers so I could show videos, use Google Earth, and sometimes share a slideshow. This morning it would have been nice to have the projector and computer to use, but I didn’t want to take the time required to get everything setup. I did, however, need a copy of my lesson plan to bring with me and use, which is in PDF format, but I didn’t want to print out a hard copy or bring my laptop to church.

To bring my lesson plan with me, I turned to readdle, a website developed for the iPhone offering free and commercial hosted services for mobile document access on the iPhone. In less than ten minutes, I setup a free account on readdle, downloaded my lesson plan PDF file from the Grapple website, uploaded the lesson plan to my readdle site, and was able to login and pull up my lesson plan on my iPhone. I was thrilled! No need to print out the lesson plan… I was able to refer to it prior to and during my lesson without any problem. Our classroom is on the ground floor of our church and for some reason the cellular network coverage there is very poor. WiFi is not available, but this was not a problem, since I loaded up the document using readdle in the iPhone’s Safari web browser earlier. Because I didn’t close Safari, the document remained open and accessible even though I did not have access to an EDGE network connection or WiFi connection in my classroom. My free account on readdle permits me to upload up to 50 MB of documents, which is very generous, and if documents are not needed I can delete them to free up more webspace. The website let me create an organizational folder for my Sunday School documents. I’m looking forward to using this website to “bring other documents” with me to other meetings in other contexts of my life.

Thematically I have been very pleased with Grapple this year, but I have found the online interactive potential of the website to be very wanting. The interactive elements are basically limited to a text-based bulletin board (I think they use phpBB) and our students have not been able to really practice much Internet safety in creating a website with a profile, like social networking sites permit. My thought for next year (I am going to co-teach 5th grade again) is to setup a Moodle course that we can use for discussions and interactions in between our classes, and invite students to setup accounts on to have fun, learn about safe social networking, and extend our conversations beyond class times. I’ve wanted to utilize Imbee with students for several years now but have not had an opportunity– I think next year we’ll use it and learn together about how Imbee can help learners of all ages practice via experiences safe online social networking.

Identity theft and burglary

It has been a bad week for some of my Oklahoma friends. Last Friday I learned one of my friends had his wallet stolen, which included his social security card. Ironically I had just attended a presentation the previous evening by an Oklahoma police officer about identity theft, how to avoid it and what to do if you are a victim. Since I had just heard the presentation, I was able to share what I had heard: File a police report immediately, notify your banks, the FTC, at least one of the major credit card companies so they can put a “fraud alert” on your account, and document EVERYTHING.

Today, another friend had a break-in by some burglars at his house in the late afternoon, apparently just before he got home. He lives in northern Oklahoma City. The burglars took jewelry, a computer and a digital camera, but really trashed his bedroom and several other rooms of the house. The thieves had kicked in the front door, which did have a deadbolt lock. The insurance agent’s repair man said he sees these kinds of break ins at least once a week, and the police don’t even take fingerprints in these cases. Victims are on their own to contact local pawn shops and provide a list of items in case they show up. Rarely are burglars like that caught. We had waited over an hour after they called the police and they still hadn’t come: A burglary is a low priority event compared to other issues the police in the area have to deal with.

My friend and his wife said they felt so violated by this robbery. Who knows who broke into their home? They could have been drug addicts looking for a few small electronic items they could pawn for some quick cash. Amazingly, Oklahoma law does NOT require that pawn shop owners obtain a drivers’ license number or other identifying information from someone selling goods. How dumb is that? I was glad I could assist a little after the burglary in helping videotape and photograph the damage that was done to the house, but overall the experience was pretty depressing and eye opening.

I feel fortunate to live in an area where crime is (I think) much lower in frequency. What a helpless feeling to be in your house trying to sleep at night, where hours before burglars had been stealing your jewelry and other possessions. The burglars turned over the bed and even cut into the box springs mattress, looking for hidden money. I think that entire experience would naturally leave someone feeling vulnerable and violated.

Please pray for my friends and others in their neighborhood who have been the victims of burglaries. Thankfully no one was home and no one was there to be injured in an actual altercation with the thieves. If drug addiction did drive them to steal, I pray they will find assistance they need to escape their addiction and stop breaking into the homes of others and stealing to support their habit.

It can be a scary world out there. Times like these remind us that we need to constantly put our faith and trust in the Lord, for He is always with us no matter how dark the valley. I was also glad to be able to be there for my friends. No one should be alone when they face difficult and hard times, including crimes committed against them.

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TouchBible: a Bible iPhone web app

Thanks to John Bennett (via Twitter) I learned about TouchBible, a web app providing searchable access to the Holy Bible for the iPhone and iTouch from iBibleZ. This is a preview of the application on YouTube:

TouchBible does not offer as many translation options as The Bible Gateway, but does offer the following versions currently:


  • King James Version (KJV)
  • American Standard Version (ASV)
  • English Standard Version (ESV)
  • Bible in Basic English (BBE)
  • Darby Bible Translation (Darby)
  • Webster’s Bible (WEB)
  • Youngs Literal Translation (YLT)


  • Chinese 汉语/漢語
  • 和合本 – Chinese Union Version (CUV)

Have you found and tried other online searchable Bible web apps for the iPhone? I used a searchable Bible program on the Palm I used a number of years ago, and have REALLY wanted to have a searchable Bible on my iPhone. The downloadable NT Bible which iBiblez offers is actually just an html attachment you can view using the iPhone’s mail feature. It does support selection of individual NT books and chapters, but not keyword searching. Hopefully developers with iBiblez or other groups will use the iPhone SDK to create an actual application which runs entirely offline and permits Bible searches with multiple translation versions. I’m sure we’ll see that before long!

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Give the gift of a goat

Ever since I saw the water buffalo movie, it helped bring alive the power of tangible giving to third world countries. Our family has been supporting children through World Vision for years but it really isn’t something we consider. Yes we get cards from our sponsor children but it’s still distant.

Goat Gift

The water buffalo movie started me thinking differently. This year, our family decided to give each other this kind of gift. I gave a goat and after watching The Story of Stuff, it makes sense. I showed my own kids the story of stuff movie and while consumerism and materialism will always be a struggle for those of us with means, it does open up conversations, thoughts and spiritual questions that can produce change.

Podcast7: 10 year old reflections about Jesus on Christmas Eve

Our 5th grade Sunday School class of 10 and 11 year old students recorded a seven minute podcast today, which is going to be played during our family Christmas Eve service at church this year.


This podcast is available in several formats:

  1. As an audio-only mp3 file
  2. As an enhanced podcast (m4a file)
  3. As a YouTube video (published later in 2010)
  4. As a VoiceThread digital story

You are welcome to leave feedback for our students on the VoiceThread or here as comments. Merry Christmas!

An amazing video from Casting Crowns

A friend showed me this video from a concert by Casting Crowns today. Wow.

This is a completely unique take on musical interpretation than I’ve seen previously in videos or live stage performances. Very creative, as well as moving. I love this song. I first learned of Casting Crowns several years ago, listening to Air1 Radio when we lived in Lubbock. (Here in Oklahoma, I listen to K-LOVE more than Air1 now, when I listen Christian radio.) I think the band started as a youth group praise team, and they continue to serve in that capacity as well as play concerts. Their music is definitely inspired by the Lord.

Their official website is They have more YouTube videos linked from their website. I think it is great Casting Crowns has embraced the use of new media sites, like YouTube, to share their music and their gospel message with the world. Seeing this video adds a different dimension to the experience of listening to their music and allowing the message to penetrate my mind and spirit.

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5th Graders speak: “Who Is Jesus?”

5th grade students in the Sunday school class I’m co-teaching this semester contributed to this four minute audio podcast on the theme, “Who Is Jesus?” Some of these recordings were made during our Sunday school class last week using Audacity and an external microphone, but most were made by students and teachers from home using their phones and the free Gabcast service.

Lots of online discussions!

Our 5th grade Sunday School class is using Group Publishing’s “Grapple” curriculum this fall, which includes an online “walled-garden” social networking environment for students. This is a screenshot of student and teacher postings in the discussion board to date. (We just finished our sixth week.)

Lots of Grapple Discussions!

If I’m doing my math correctly, we’ve had 34 total posts and replies in the first 3 church-related categories, and 121 posts and replies in the “Let’s Talk” category which is open for students to appropriately discuss whatever they want. We’ve had lots of polls about school, favorite singers, TV shows, and other topics. These formative results show the importance of providing an open forum for students in a distance learning or distributed learning context.

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Podcast6: Grapple Digital Curriculum and Technology Integration with 5th Grade Sunday School Students

This podcast is a mid-semester review of the “Grapple” digital curriculum package from Group Publishing which we are using to co-teach 5th grade Sunday School in fall 2007 at my church in Edmond, Oklahoma. In addition to reviewing the elements of Grapple I address different ways I am integrating technology into our weekly Sunday school lessons, and discuss in detail the different elements of the online social networking and discussion board area provided by Group Publishing as part of the Grapple curriculum.


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