Missional Church – Set Apart

Today our associate pastor, John Gruel, shared his final “scheduled sermon” at our church in Edmond, Oklahoma. John emphasized the importance of EVERYONE in the church being an active servant of Christ, rather than a passive spectator. He reminded us there is NOT a New Testament basis for the stark separation in most churches between “clergy” and “laity.” I recorded his sermon with my iPhone and the free app Cinch, using an iRig mic in the pew. I posted this in my Christian channel on Cinch. Check it out. Great sermon, great exhortations for us. John preached on John 17: 16-19. The sermon was 20 minutes long.

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Catholic Church Leaders Selectively Extending God’s Grace

This seems closely analogous to the selling of indulgences by the Catholic Church in the 15th century. Why would God uniquely authorize grace and forgiveness to boost attendance at a Papal event in Spain this month? Answer: He wouldn’t. This is an example of the will of men (the Pope and Catholic Church leadership, in this case) gone awry.

“The Vatican has given authority to priests who are in Madrid during the pope’s visit there to give absolution to women who confess to having had an abortion – and has empowered priests to lift excommunications for such women…. Lombardi said that the Vatican often extends authority to absolve certain sins and to lift excommunications at big papal events. Any woman who knows that the church considers abortion a sin and goes through with the procedure is automatically excommunicated, Lombardi said.”

Read the entire article:
Church extends authority to absolve sin of abortion for papal visit


What’s your take on this?

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Paul Orders Silence for Women

These verses seem to discredit Paul as an apostle. Is that heresy to assert? We definitely reject the truth of this teaching in our church today. Women are welcome to speak and participate in both worship and other church meetings as equals of men. How do we grapple with this?

1 Corinthians 14:34, 35 NLT

“Women should be silent during the church meetings. It is not proper for them to speak. They should be submissive, just as the law says. If they have any questions, they should ask their husbands at home, for it is improper for women to speak in church meetings.”

See it at YouVersion.com:


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Student Ministries for 2011-2012

These are my notes from the parent meeting for Middle and High school youth ministries on August 21, 2011 at our church in Edmond, Oklahoma.

These are out goals for student ministries at FPCE this year.

Growth – youth group double in size
More worship oriented students
Happier, vibrant youth group
Stronger relationships (outside of church)
Know the Word of God and be obedient to it
Consistency in Attendance
Externally focused: Missional
Students Minister to Adults

A huge goal which did not make the list but Brian Lamb added for our meeting today: For every youth to form a deeper and more meaningful personal relationship with Christ

Voting results:

We want to create a culture of expectancy for parents for equipping families, not just focusing directly on students
– ministries are acting in partnership with families

Expectancy steps:

My comment after hearing other parents mention this: Since high school meeting time is Sunday night and not on Wednesdays, there is concern many high school students will choose NOT to help out with ministry in other areas and just go to other churches on Wednesday nights. It will be interesting to see how this develops. The idea of having high schoolers in ministry to others on Wednesday nights is good. It sounds like some will prefer to “be served” rather than serve on Wednesday nights, however.

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Selected for just such a time as this

Has God placed you in your specific circumstances today for a clear purpose? What is your purpose today? What do you need to speak out against? What situation cries out for your brave words and deeds?

Esther 4:14 NLT

“If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?””

See it at YouVersion.com:


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Be a Digital Witness for Jesus

On September 14th I’m going to share “the chapel message” at Oklahoma Christian School in Edmond for students and teachers. My topic is, “Be a Digital Witness for Jesus.” I started an outline and resource webpage today, and included seven different examples. If you have links to other videos which are good examples of “Christian Digital Storytelling” or Christian testimonies online, please share them as comments here!

Jesus is my Super Hero

In the weeks and months ahead, please consider submitting a video to “3 Minutes About Jesus.”

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Distraction, Focus & Questions: Chapter 25 of The Screwtape Letters

Tomorrow I’m teaching a lesson at our Friday morning men’s group on Chapter 25 of C.S. Lewis’ book, “The Screwtape Letters.” It’s a challenging book to read and understand for several reasons, principally because Lewis wrote the book from the perspective of a “senior demon” writing to an underling. He’s very clever, but it’s challenging at times to interpret and chapter 25 is no exception. I titled this lesson, “Distraction, Focus & Questions,” and created some slides to accompany our lesson which I’ve shared on SlideShare.

The video “Social Media Revolution 2 (Refresh)” which I’ll be showing is available on Vimeo. It is no longer available on YouTube because of a copyright violation. Interesting.

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